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Upcoming Publishing Events

By Michaela O’Callaghan, Sabeehah Saleq, Erin Evett and Rosie Burgoyne

Behind the Scenes of Publishing Recruitment

28 September, 6.30–7.30 p.m.

As part of SYP North’s Summer Festival, they have organised a panel discussion exploring publishing recruitment. Want to know more about how to make your applications shine? These panellists will tell all about the process of hiring, providing valuable insight into how to improve your CV and get your first role within the industry. Tickets are available for free here.

Publishing Poetry: An Insight into Indie Poetry Presses

30 September, 7–8 p.m.

SYP North have also organised this excellent panel that explores the running of indie poetry presses. The panellist consists of panellists from Bloodaxe, The Poetry Business, and Carcanet who will discuss the excellent work they are doing in the North and the impact of the pandemic on indie presses. Tickets are available for free here.

An evening with Ben Aaronovitch: Ten Years of Rivers of London

29 September 7.30 p.m.

Join Ben Aaronovitch to mark the tenth anniversary of his bestselling book Rivers of London. He will be talking about all of the books in this thrilling series, as well as signing copies of the special tenth anniversary edition of Rivers of London. For more information, click here.

Brothers in Arms: Online event with James Holland

29 September 7.30 p.m.

Join James Holland for this online evening where he will be discussing his latest book, Brothers in Arms, which follows the untold story of the Sherwood rangers throughout World War Two. At the end of the talk there will be a Q&A. For more information, click here.

Qian Julie Wang in Conversation, Beautiful Country: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood

30 September, 7 p.m.

Be sure to join writer Qian Julie Wang in this virtual event which celebrates the launch of her incredible memoir Beautiful County: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood, which follows Wang’s life as she goes from being the daughter of professors in China, to being “illegal” in New York. This is an unmissable event, which gives you an insight into the life of an undocumented immigrant child, living with the constant threat of deportation. You’ll even have the chance to ask your burning questions at the end. Tickets here.

Henley Literary Festival

2–10 October

The Henley Literary Festival is holding a range of events this October. If you love fiction, a variety of authors will be present discussing their books, including Kiran Millwood Hargrave presenting The Mercies. Comedy is also covered, with Rob Beckett and Jack Dee discussing their new books. Even the award-winning Giles Terera MBE will be present, talking about his book, Hamilton and Me, which follows his journey playing Aaron Burr in the hit musical, Hamilton. For more events, information and prices, click here.

Atlas of Imagined Places by Matt Brown and Rhys B. Davies

7 October, 7 p.m.

You don’t want to miss out this exciting event which features Matt Brown, Rhys B Davis and Mike Hall to discuss their incredible new book The Atlas of Imagined Places from Lilliput to Gotham CIty. The fascinating new book takes readers on a global tour, exploring the background and inspiration behind famous fictional locations. These invented buildings, towns, cities and shipwrecks appear across varying forms of literature: television, film and books to name a few. You’ll definitely recognise some of these memorable locations, like Springfield from The Simpsons, or Gotham City, home to Batman. Tickets here.

Cheltenham Literary Festival

8–17 October

Cheltenham Literature Festival is the world’s first literature festival and this year it will, like many other festivals, be functioning with a hybrid model. Live events will run whilst Cheltenham Festivals’ YouTube channel will broadcast highlights from each day of the festival. Recordings of over 140 events will also be available on demand until 31 December.

A central theme this year will be about exploring the world through literature as authors will appear digitally from across the globe and events will reach audiences worldwide. As expected from this renowned festival, they have a line-up of events with the best in the industry. Listen to Maggie O’Farrell as she reflects on the six books that have shaped her reading and writing life and join Bernardine Evaristo as she celebrates queer writers with authors such as Paul Mendez and Mary Jean Chan. Richard Osman will also be making an appearance. Find out more about this festival here.

Green Ideas: Climate Justice is Social Justice

12 October, 7 p.m.

This event forms the first part of the new Penguin Classics series, “Green Ideas”. During the event, attendees will hear from renowned environmental activist, Bill McKibben, who is author of the first book for a general audience about climate change, The End of Nature. The event will also include a line-up of various environmental activists, with the discussion focusing on the relationship between climate justice and social justice. Don’t miss out, get tickets here.

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